Pawtucket, Rhode Island Speed Traps
Roosevelt Avenue near East Street
Pawtucket Police will use any and all methods of getting money out of your wallet~ I have been driving for 24 years. The ONLY time I have received tickets is going through Pawtucket. Watch out for the Policeman STANDING on the side street after Dunkin’ Donuts going north to rte. 1. PATHETIC! What a way to run a city. Guess it beats controling the gang problems!
Prospect Street near Soars Field
A cruiser parks at the opening of Soars Field partially behind the sign. He’s there early mornings usually and catches many people.
Interstate 95 near Between exit 26 and 28
Please be aware that there is a weight restriction around about exit 26 to 28 for trucks over 22,000 lbs. and there are plenty of signs and there are plenty of trooper just waiting to pull you over huge fines! I drive this route every morning and evening and ther is always a truck on either side being pulled over. The troopers are stationed just after the last safe exit you can take.
Broad Way near Exchange Street
Police will park their car in a little parking lot on the left side and they will stand across the street on the right side and catch you with radar. I have also seen them sitting in their cruisers on the street before you reach the intersection but that usually is late night around 11pm.
Armistice Boulevard near York Avenue
Police car usually parked on side street (between Newport Avenue and York Avenue) off Armistice Boulevard (Rte 15 Eastbound)several afternoons per week, especially between 4-5:00 p.m.