Pawtucket, Rhode Island Speed Traps
George R Bennet high Way near Central Avenue
They park on the side right before a traffic light in a little parking lot. And as you come from Armistice Blvd up George R Bennet highway (used to be called Industrial Highway) there is a cemetary on your left and railroad tracks and a fence with mills on the other side. So it is easy to go faster than the posted limit that is not really posted on that part of the road.
School Street near woodland Street
Officer is regularly park at Woodland st., but they’ve been also spotted on the next couple of streets over (Rosewood st. and/or chesnut st.)
East Avenue near Shea High School
A police car lies in wait at a cross-street off East Avenue, just south of Shea High School, on the same side of the Avenue as the High School. The posted speed limit is 25 mph, but the trap is not set near a posted sign.
Newport Avenue near US Highway 1A
Will hide anywhere. Careful coming from Mass State Line at bottom of bridge behind building or in driveways, everywhere.
Both South and North parts of Rt 1A (Newport Ave) they could and will be anywhere hiding.
Roosevelt Avenue near Cole Street
Officer standing outside of his car, on the corner of Cole St (or the next side street before/after Cole) pointing radar gun at traffic travelling down Roosevelt Ave toward Broadway. (I checked Radar & Unknown because I wasn’t sure what type of gun he was using.)