Greenville, South Carolina Speed Traps
Blacks road
Cut through between Roper Mountain Road and Pelham Road. Posted 30 mph, however, many bends in the road and quickly changes to 15 mph. Police officer sits off to the side (not visible especially at night) and stops people frequently for just a few miles over speed limit. Told that there have been recent complaints about speeding in the neighborhood. Would be good to have signs posted during the day to show motorists their actual speed and post more signs. Very deceptive. I will be going to court.
HWY 14 rounding GSP airport
Six lanes with a turn lane divider, light traffic, but only a 40mph speed limit (should be at LEAST 55) and a cop constantly sits in the turn lane at the bottom of the hill. I see cars pulled over every time I pass through there.
W. Marion Rd beside the White Horse Rd Wal-mart.
As you go DOWN the hill (at a usually higher rate of speed down an incline) Greenville County Deputies hide at the bottom of hill on either side of road behind bushes and trap all day. They have been there all week at times.
Fairforest Way between Ridge RD. AND Mauldin Rd.
4 lane new road recently rebuilt. Comes out of school zone (JL Mann) 35 MPH and is reduced to 30MPH. It was 25 mph during construction and increased to 30 after completion. 4 lanes, left and right center turn lanes, sidewalks, bike lanes. Police hide in center lane behind trees to catch ‘SPEEDERS" DOING 35. Speed prior to construction was 45.
Woods Lake Road at Lowndes Hill Road
Greenville City Police try to catch people speeding down the hill behind the airport. They like to hide in the parking lots of vacant industrial buildingsand on city property located along Woods Lake Road. Also be sure to come to a complete stop at all stop signs!