Alvin, Texas Speed Traps

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Steele Road near N Shirley Street

Alvin, TexasMar 21, 20060 Comments

APD is sitting in the drive that is the addition for the trailer park at Steele and N Shirley. the road makes a weird s bend right there and they are hidden from one direction by the trailer park and the other by trees, its usually two of them and they stand just out of sight jump out and radar check your speed. i have seen them run it where one shoots and one writes and they have had 3-4 motorists pulled in that drive at once. the speed limit is set at 30 on this long mostly straight road, most people who travel this road run it about 40.

Highway 6, North and Southbound between FM 1128 and Hwy 35

Alvin, TexasNov 20, 20020 Comments

Along Highway 6 going North or Southbound the speed changes when you go through Manvel from 45 to 50 to 55 to 60, then drops back to 50 again when you are almost to Hwy 35. I got pulled over by a state trooper. They like to hide in the median turn lane or on the shoulders. BE CAREFUL!

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