Denton, Texas Speed Traps
N. Elm St. just north of Sherman Dr.
Two motorcycle policemen sit at the intersection of N. Elm and Talia Ferro. They are waiting to clock people on this wide 3-lane road where the speed limit has just dropped from 45 to 35.
West bound on Mingo Rd. as you pass TWU golf course .
Mingo Rd. as you are passing T.W.U. golf course, speed limit changes from 45 to 30 Mph. Because of change of road elevation you cannot see Motorcycle officer sitting on a side street running radar.
I-35 through Denton
the area has multiple raised thoroughfares and many exit on-off ramps. You will be cruising along at the marked speed and then see an embankment ahead and wham ! the speed zone drops to 55mph. Many places for the Texas Highway Patrol to hide and Denton PD motorcycles monitor the speed trap regularly.
City limits of Denton, along I35
Exit ramp “malfunctions” cause backups along the shoulder of the interstate, with cars lined up on the shoulder, attempting to remove yourself from 18 wheel trucks passing by your door at 70 plus, results in being being pulled over by cycle cops waiting just up the interstate, “pulling out onto the interstate in spite of little or no oncoming traffic at times”, tickets issued for hefty fines, these “malfunctions” seem to happen at regular intervals on weekday mornings.