Sierra Vista, Arizona Speed Traps

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Southbound Buffalo Just Past Ft. Huachuca Main Gate

Sierra Vista, ArizonaNov 30, 20100 Comments

After leaving the intersection of the Ft. Huachuca Main Gate and Fry Blvd., there is another sign indicating 45 MPH. This last until just past the onramp onto Buffalo Soldier from North where it changes to 50 MPH. Going Northbound in this same area is 50 MPH. A bogey sits at that merge point from Buffalo and North. Be careful, even the judge thought this area was 55 MPH but then told me it was my responsibility to know the traffic speeds in my area.

Buffalo Soldier Trail & Wilcox heading east before main gate

Sierra Vista, ArizonaAug 23, 20100 Comments

An unmarked car (brown Crown Vic) sits in the median clocking cars heading east on BST towards the main gate. He is difficult to spot (blends in with traffic). Usually there during the morning and evening commutes during the week.

State Highway 92 South

Sierra Vista, ArizonaFeb 17, 20090 Comments

Highway 92 South

North Avenue near Fry Boulevard

Sierra Vista, ArizonaMay 15, 20080 Comments

Once your turn right onto North Ave. from Fry blvd and go down past daisy maes steakhouse you will come up to a rest stop on the leFort Right after that rest stop a cop sits on the side of the road next to an abandoned building. you cannot see him until about 150 feet away. I live right across from there and see a cop there at least 3 times a week. they sit there, pull someone over, then go right back there. be careful

Avenida del Sol Avenue near Desert Shadows Drive Drive

Sierra Vista, ArizonaApr 19, 20080 Comments

Police car sits on West side of Avienda del Sol next to an Electrical Station just before Camino del Norte or a motorcycle at the first entrance to Chaparrel Village North on the East side of the street. Ususally after school lets out for the day and usually stays till workers are going home. This area is close to the high school, and it also is a way around the biggest intersection in town (Hwy 90 & Hwy 92).

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