Fairfield, California Speed Traps

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State Highway 12

Fairfield, CaliforniaFeb 24, 20050 Comments

During commute hours there is 1-2 motorcycle CHP posted at the light on Highway 12 off Beck Ave. They sit facing the highway and ready to go. Watch out-they don’t play….

Roclville Road near Wilotta Circle

Fairfield, CaliforniaDec 27, 20040 Comments

Under trees at Wilotta Circle.

Air Base Parkway near Walters Road

Fairfield, CaliforniaJun 01, 20041 Comments

If you’re driving down Air Base Parkway towards I-80 and you cross Walters Road. There is a overpass bridge type thing. The cops park at the end and they radar you as you come over the hill. And before you can slow down it’s too late. My husband got his ticket there going 65MPH in a 50MPH zone. Be careful.

Rockville Road near Suisun Valley Road

Fairfield, CaliforniaMay 21, 20040 Comments

Eastbound Rockville RD. 1-2 miles east of Suisun Valley Rd.Most of Rockville Rd is 45 mph, but this small section is 35. Motorcycle cops park on should and simply step into the road and wave drivers down – 2 at a time – write tickets, flag 2 more down.

i-80 going downhill tord red top road

Fairfield, CaliforniaNov 18, 20030 Comments

I got a speeding tickett in this area for going 95. So i went and bought a radar scanner. i went down the same hill as before (going the speed limit) and the detector went off like CRAZY! then next thing i know a undercover police car drives past me, and the officer gives me a devilish smill and speeds off. he knew i had the detector. they are tricky.

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