Fairfield, California Speed Traps

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Wooden Valley Road

Fairfield, CaliforniaNov 14, 20130 Comments

CHP in the vineyards on the side of the road in the mornings as you just get into Napa County. ALSO the last leg of (NORTH/WEST) Wooden Valley Road (morning & night) at the passing lane before you reach 121 (Napa – Berreyessa) watch yourself!!! They are sitting waiting for yout to pass and OF COURSE when you are passing in that little passing lane you are SPEEDING! YOU ARE PASSING! they don’t care and write that ticket (almost $400.00). WATCH YOURSELF ON WOODEN VALLEY RD IN NAPA COUNTY!!!

South bound side of Peabody Road, North of Foxboro

Fairfield, CaliforniaJul 22, 20100 Comments

Motorcycle Cop sits behind the trees on the Prison side of the road clocking traffic heading southbound. He is located just North of the Foxboro/Peabody traffic light. He is there in the morning and in the afternoon.

Manuel Campos and Dover/Paradise Valley Dr.

Fairfield, CaliforniaJun 02, 20101 Comments

In the mornings! Officer sits in the turn lane on Dover, waiting for people to roll trought the stop sign on Manual Campos or come flying down the hill from Paradise Valley Dr. onto Dover. SLOW DOWN! AND COME TO A STOP!

Suisun Valley Rd. in front of Solano College

Fairfield, CaliforniaJan 28, 20101 Comments

The motorcycle guys hide at the north entrance and radar the northbound traffic.

State Highway 12 East near Interstate 80 East

Fairfield, CaliforniaJun 11, 20080 Comments

As you’re coming off interstate 80 onto Hwy 12 towards Rio Vista just past the chadborne off, just over the crest of the hill before Beck Ave sit either Fairfield PD or CHP with radar. If you’re speeding you’re caught. Also when approaching Beck Ave sits a motorbike Cop on the Median who hides behind it and you can barely see the top f his helmt, usually nails speeders or the impatience drivers who like to drive down the shoulder to turn onto Beck Ave. these are 2 speed traps in a row, so be careful!

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