Gulf Breeze, Florida Speed Traps
Pensacola Beach Rd Base of Beach Bridge Near Yacht Club
Almost every weekend night you will find marked Gulf Breeze Police patrol cars and/or marked Santa Rosa Sheriff Deputies SUVs and patrol cars sitting one after another in the dark on the northbound side of Pensacola Beach Road adjacent to the Santa Rosa Yacht Club parking lots running stationary radar.
The surveillance begins even before you leave the immediate beach area to cross the toll bridge northward and continues at the base of the toll bridge.
I have never seen so many marked units lined up one after another in a 2 – 3 mile stretch before. This would be a fantastic time to burglarize nearby businesses while Police sit waiting on unsuspecting tourists coming back from a fun day at the beach. Is the Gulf Breeze Chamber of Commerce aware of this blatant in your face weekly speedtrap? It can’t be good for business.
The law enforcement bet here is that everyone returning in the evening to mainland Pensacola northward is falling down drunk and if they are not then getting speeding tickets for 36 MPH is just as good and a valuable use of law enforcement manpower.
There is no alternative to this route and law enforcement knows this keenly.
Hwy 98
Hwy 98 runs east/west through the city. The local police have radar set up somewhere 24 hrs a day through the entire city limits on Hwy 98. ZERO TOLERANCE.
US 98 and Shoreline Drive
This is a photo trap: It is a stop-light/speed trap camera set with a signal light that has a yellow/caution that only functions 4 seconds instead of the standard 8.
Gulf Breeze, Florida
Sadly, this place has only one thing to offer a tourist – an access road – which they use to rake in money. Really sad, but you don’t have to go through this town. Use an alternate route – they will get you and shake you upside down.
US HWY 98 Gulf Breeze
Gulf Breeze…where to begin. Stopping "speeders" in the name of safety which of course is the hackneyed guise of revenue generation to appease the townies without raising the taxes on their double wides. Avoid this dumpster fire if possible.