Savannah, Georgia Speed Traps
I-16 Near mile post 164
Multiple SUV patrol cars stake out grass median before Interstate 16 transitions from 55 to 65 just after Chatham Parkway (Mile marker 164) at dawn. They are looking for ‘criminals’ exceeding 70mph on our nations fragile 55 mph interstates. Within a couple of miles, I saw multiple westbound patrol SUV’s attempting to make u-turn around a nearby I-16 concrete center median wall to go back eastbound and reset their trap. Meanwhile westbound I-16 traffic was wall-to-wall and stomping their brakes and slamming to a halt when they saw nearby u turn headlights. One SUV patrol car intimidated traffic enough to go and force a u-turn around the concrete median wall. The other SUV gave up thankfully. I hope no one wrecked in the slowdown. I-16 has a regrettable recent history of fatalities due to sudden, inexplicable traffic slowing. U turns by government cars without blue lights on don’t help anyone. If it is an emergency, use the blue lights; otherwise, use the exits or cut-throughs like everybody else to turn around. Interstate lives matter.
Ogeechee Hwy U.S. 17 Garden city at school zone.
At school crossing. heading south bound on U.S.17 toward Richmond Hill. Posted speed limit is 25. One cannot notice the sign until right on it. Garden city Thugs will jump out into traffic on foot to stop you. Some times not even wearing a safety vest. They are just antagonizing motorist to run over them. Especially one Extortionist punk Ramirez.
When talking with one of these thugs it is hard to understand them.For these punks with badges cannot speak proper English.
Interstate 95 between exits ~94 and 106…Laser
Got hit with laser several times in the area most likely. I was already aware that they use it in this area and in Atlanta a lot, but they are shooting from the bridge and radioing to pull people over later. I got hit at about 80-82 mph with a laser alert on my Radar Detector, which I guess wasn’t enough (given the no points for under 15 mph over), and other people were going faster than me. But if you’re doing 85+ especially or 80+ and alone, watch out especially when a bridge comes into view. They can get you from VERY far off Somehow the power disconnected, but I’m betting I got hit at least 3 times. Georgia metros are crawling with LIDAR.
Chatham Pkwy exit ramp off I-16 W/B at Savannah-Gdn CityLine
This is a hidden, illegal dui roadblock set up Fri & Sat late night. You cannot see all the blue lights until you’re halfway up the hairpin turn . They do not put up the state-mandated warning sign ahead of the roadblock. Beware!!
On 1-16 west, about 20 miles from Savannah
A cop in a SILVER car, sitting on the LEFT side of the road (on the median). Probably the sheriff. It’s an open area- no trees to hide him. It looked like an abandoned car. He was out there around 11am on Monday, Jan 30, 2012. I was going about 10 mph over (before I slammed brakes), and he didn’t stop me. He must have been waiting for a super-speeder.