Orland Park, Illinois Speed Traps

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151st and wolf road

Orland Park, IllinoisNov 20, 20130 Comments

police set in the fire station off of wolf road and aim their radar west down 151st street. traffic east bound on 151st street coming over the hill cannot see him until it is too late.

southwest highway at 123rd

Orland Park, IllinoisJul 08, 20110 Comments

Police using radar on both sides of southwest highway generally under viaduct.

179th Street Between Lagrange and 104th Avenue

Orland Park, IllinoisDec 28, 20100 Comments

Officer Friendly likes to hide by parked cars deep in the White Mountain Golf Course parking lot – especially at night. No street lights and large hills in the road make it easy for him to hide. While your looking out for at wildlife in the Forest Preserve on the north or the farm on the south the hunter is gunning you down with his radar.

183rd St/Orland Parkway between Lagrange Rd. & Wolf Rd.

Orland Park, IllinoisSep 27, 20100 Comments

Cops sit in unmarked SUVs or squad cars all day, especially at 102nd, 104th, and the church near Wolf Rd. Speed limit is 35 mph and drops to 20 mph near church. They dole out the tickets there all week, even when there are no church services.

94th Ave., south of 159th

Orland Park, IllinoisMay 07, 20101 Comments

Police cars sit in the the condo parking lot (in a parking spot so it looks like any other parked car) just north of Lifetime Fitness. If you are heading south on 94th from 159th, there is a slight hill that you come up, and just as you are over the hill, there’s a squad car in the parking spot on your left. Speed limit is 35 mph. There is a squad there just about every morning in the 9 am hour.

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