Waterford, Michigan Speed Traps

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Scott Lake Rd. at Wannamaker St.

Waterford, MichiganApr 13, 20100 Comments

WPD hangs out in the 7-11 parking lot & nails people going over 40. This is the most active trap in waterford.

Walton Boulevard near Sashabaw Road

Waterford, MichiganMay 19, 20081 Comments

Waterford Police will sit in parking lots all up and down Walton Boulevard between Silver Lake Road and Dixie Hwy. This is a 5 land boulevard with a 40 mph speed limit. Most people want to drive about 55 which quite often will get you a ticket

Clintonville Road near Costa Mesa Street

Waterford, MichiganMay 19, 20080 Comments

Waterford Police will sit at the bottom of the hills on Clintonville Rd after the speed drops from 45 to 35 (especially near the school) and catch you as you as soon as you come over the top of a hill.

State Highway Dixie Hwy near State Highway

Waterford, MichiganJan 16, 20080 Comments

Speed trap is at the bottom of Waterford Hill, at Broze Electric shop, in the shadows.

Williams Lake Road near Cooley Lake Road

Waterford, MichiganNov 17, 20070 Comments

Williams Lake Rd is under construction between Cooley Lake Rd & Elizabeth Lake Rd. The speed limit is 25 during construction and both Waterford & White Lake sit by High Point Trail.

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