Norman, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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On 24th Ave NE between E Robinson St and E Alameda St

Norman, OklahomaJan 31, 20240 Comments

There is a small hill as you are heading south, then there is a bigger valley on the other side, the speed limit is 40. Your vehicle is using more power to get up the hill. Then once your car peeks the hill the extra power is converted into speed on the downward side which is steeper and longer. This make you vehicle go to about 55 or more depending on the vehicle. At the bottom in a driveway or a side street is where the police car is waiting with the speed gun to catch you. You are caught going you fastest for 1 to 2 seconds as the converted energy is lost. If you keep the power on after cresting the hill you speed will be even higher.

North Flood (just south of Robinson)

Norman, OklahomaMay 30, 20190 Comments

Marked police car sits on west side of Flood just past the seven 11. They actively looks for people coming from a 45 mph to a 25 mph zone.

Northbound I-35 & Lindsey

Norman, OklahomaAug 02, 20180 Comments

Very busy stretch of I-35 with 4 lanes and heavy truck traffic when speed limit abruptly drops from 70 to 60. You may not see the 60 mph sign and the motorcycle police are lined up right after the 60 at the Lindsey overpass just waiting to write tickets for 10+ mph over the posted speed limit. It doesn’t matter to them that you didn’t see the sign. Speed limit changes back to 70 at Moore city limits.

Stubbeman Ave just S of Rock Creek (SCHOOL ZONE)

Norman, OklahomaJan 24, 20140 Comments

There is a US Postal Service training building on the west side of Stubbeman, and there’s a long driveway that leads out of it onto Stubbeman. There are usually cops there in unmarked units watching for speeders by way of a laser gun. There is also a motorcycle unit that will sit up on the sidewalk, totally invisible until you get close and realize what it is. It’s a 25 mph school zone, and they give you no more than about 2 or 3 over. Be very careful.

North Berry & kansas

Norman, OklahomaMay 08, 20130 Comments

They hide behind the trees by the baseball field.

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