Stillwater, Oklahoma Speed Traps
Intersection of W. University Avenue and S. Cleveland Street
As you drive east towards the Oklahoma State University campus, the speed limit on University changes from 30 MPH to 20 MPH at Cleveland Street. The OSU Campus Police wait around this intersection and catch drivers who do not slow down immediately.
Lake Carl Blackwell
As you leave Lake Carl Blackwell the limit goes from 35 to 45mph. The police sit around the curve up a hill behind trees just beyond the 45 mph sign and catches people getting up to 45mph just before the speed limit sign.
Between Hester & Knoblock on Hwy 51
There is a motorcycle cop who likes to sit at the drum shop primarily on good mornings. (This is the area where the speed limit goes down to 30mph).
W. 19th across from Babcock Park
The past few months there has been heavy construction equipment in the empty lot across from Babcock Park on W. 19th. Be careful because the cops are sneaky and they hide behind the equipment. Going Eastbound, there’s a hill. That construction equipment is right at the bottom- how convenient. What’s even worse is that I’ve only seen them at night with their lights off. Speed limit on that road is 40 mph.
Between 12th and 19th on Western
A motorcycle cop sits on the north side of the bridge and on the west side of Western. He is almost always there on nice days.