Ottawa, Ontario Speed Traps
Carling Ave, West of Bayshore at the Villa Lucia
They sit beside the hedge in the parking lot of the villa and if you are coming East, you don’t see them until it’s too late.
Prince of Wales at Colonade
Not so much a speed trap, but they have been posting cars just beyond the intersection to nail drivers who are cutting over too late from the right hand turning lane into the left through lane.
Bank Street -just south of Albion-
The cops will park along Bank Street, heading south, by the cemetary (across from Adam’s Airport Inn). You don’t see them because it looks like the cop car/motorcycle is parked for cemetary use. And they are sometimes just around this corner, hidden, near the Hyundai dealership.
On a sunny day, chances are they’ll be there. usually around lunchtime or after 4pm. I’ve even seen them there on the weekends.
Maitland ave/carling ave
When traveling north it is on the right last street just before carling
Frank Kenney
The road is quite wide and straight but has several valleys. Radar traps are frequently set up to catch motorists coming over the ridges. The road is very straight and wide (and when it was first paved had a 90 km/h limit). Now the limit is 80 and it feels too slow. My wife has had three tickets on her commute in the last ten years. Go 20km over and they’ll nail you.