Ottawa, Ontario Speed Traps
Slack Road between Woodroffe and Merivale
Seen several cars caught here. The limit is 70 kph but it goes down to 50 kph for a school zone so watch out.
Meadowlands from Woodroffe east
40kms school zone,they sit at the school on the south about a mile in,or further down at a church,there are quite a few streets they hide on too all along here
Baseline, just west of Riverside, east of Hogs Back
I got nailed here early one sunny afternoon… Baseline is 3 lanes wide, nicely curved and passes over the Rideau River/Hogs Back rapids – no houses or commercial areas… why this is a 60Km zone I don’t know… unless it is to make money from speed traps!!!
Bank Street near KItchener Avenue
No left turn between 15:30 and 17:30 hours. Police are frequently monitoring this location. Have seen motorcycle and police cars. Usually two officers waiting at the Home Depot entrance. One officers stops the vehicle and the other tickets drivers. Like shooting fish in a barrel.