Charleston, South Carolina Speed Traps

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Folly Road, Sol Legare Island

Charleston, South CarolinaJun 23, 20220 Comments

Sitting beside the street

Belvedere rd. Johns island sc.

Charleston, South CarolinaSep 18, 20150 Comments

People have been being ticketed at a truly amazing rate on this road it went from the state mandated 55 miles per hour on unposted rural roads to 25 miles per hour in the space of one day. I was ticketed doing 38 miles an hour in a 25 mph which is 13 miles an hour over the posted speed limit which was 4 point violation. That ticket was given by a charleston city police officer who had no radar; the magistrate (not a judge) said that police in sc. were trained to do this. I was given a ticket for doing 45 in 30, from a dead stop at a light, turning right, and in less than one block, in a 97 ford f 150 stick shift, supposedly accelerated to 45, my destination was 1 more block down the the road. They are all a part of a crooked system designed to separate you from your money. The county controls Half of the road. Not to mention a school right down the road is 35.

Ravenel Bridge between Charleston and Mt. Pleasant, SC

Charleston, South CarolinaAug 18, 20140 Comments

Interstate 26 southbound at Charleston will put you on state route 17 North over a very tall and very long suspension bridge–one of the longest in the US. While it is a 6 lane highway, don’t be fooled. The speed limit is 55 and police from both Mt. Pleasant and Charleston are revenue-building on the bridge. Hundreds are picked off every week, with an additional speed trap at the end of the bridge in Mt. Pleasant (it abruptly shifts to 40 MPH). The local kangaroo court judge stated, “If the police said you were doing it, you were doing it.”

Septima Clark Expressway (State Route 17 downtown)

Charleston, South CarolinaAug 18, 20140 Comments

They ticket you for yellow lights. No joke. It’s only a mile long, but there a cop at every light.

Palmetto Commerce Parkway

Charleston, South CarolinaJul 25, 20130 Comments

Heavily patrolled, never fail to see someone pulled over. Watch carefully where the limit goes from 45 to 35 when approaching Ashley Phos Rd. If you don’t see the sign because it was blocked by one of the many trucks on the road, too bad. Motorcycle cops use a portable laser in an empty dirt lot on the right just before Ashley Phos.

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