Charleston, South Carolina Speed Traps

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Ft. Johnson Rd. James Island

Charleston, South CarolinaMar 21, 20110 Comments

Mostly cops hide in the subdivision or ball field drives across from and in the vicinity of James Island High. But they also hide all along Ft. Johnson beginning at Folly Rd.

Glenn McConnell Parkway/I-526

Charleston, South CarolinaMar 21, 20110 Comments

There is a motorcycle cop who sits on the downtown Charleston side of the bridge on the side of the road. He is able from this vantage point to pull drivers who come off the bridge off ramp to fast of people who speed or people who run the yellow light trying to get on I-526 heading toward Mt. Pleasant.

Glenn McConnell Parkway

Charleston, South CarolinaMar 20, 20110 Comments

CONSTRUCTION ZONE. Speed limit is 35mph (not the normal 55) and is in effect 24/7 until the construction zone is taken down or moved.

Glenn McConnell Parkway

Charleston, South CarolinaFeb 07, 20110 Comments


Between Tobias Gadson and Bairds Cove the posted construction speed limit is 35 mph. Police are enforcing this DAILY!!! If traveling from Bees Ferry road at 55 mph be aware that the speed limit decreases to 35 mph 3/4 mile before the Magwood intersection. Drivers be aware, as tickets are being issued like candy on Haloween!!

I26 East Bound at fork of Meeting and King St

Charleston, South CarolinaAug 26, 20100 Comments

Motorcycle cop sits in the median fork where I26 forks into King and Meeting. Speed limit is 50 mph. You can’t see the cop until you round the corner and it’s too late. Cop has been there three days in a row now and almost always has someone pulled. Be careful!

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