Cleveland, Tennessee Speed Traps
Just over the crest of hill travelling south on Hwy 411
Just as you crest the hill travelling south on Hwy 411, entering Benton TN the cop(s) are there, where the speed limit drops from 55 to 40 mph on a very wide 4 lane state highway, with a wide median and wide shoulders; majority of highways similar to this will be 50-55 mph; be extremely aware if travelling through Benton TN, whether travelling north or south!!!!
3520 Georgetown Road Northwest & Davis Cir
I’ve now found that this is a well known “speed trap” . Speed reduces quickly w/o adequate notice.
Eureka Rd at Fire Dept.
The Speed Limit is 45 They Set There Nearly Every Day
Keith Street between 25th Street and Raider Drive
There is a Tractor Supply parking lot and abandoned Bil-Lo grocery store parking lot on both sides of the street that have local city cops watching the traffic.
Walker Valley Road
Bradley County sherriff"s department shoots radar daily while parked in an abandoned driveway on Walker Valley Road between Wilson Farm Road and Lauderdale Hwy. The speed limit is only 35 and should easily be 45 or more. They frequent the hours of school opening and closing and target students and parents on their way to and from Walker Valley High School. Be very careful!