Smyrna, Tennessee Speed Traps
Drive Drive near Huge Church
There is a huge church located on this road. The speed limit changes from 35 to 30. There is almost always a cop or two sitting in the parking lot of this church where the speed limit drops. Its hard to see them because of the church patrons cars.
State Highway 70/41 near Sam Ridley Parkway
Speed limits are changed regularly. Where you did 50mph yesterday, it’s 40 today. Smyrna has been a noted speed trap town for over 40 years.
Front Street near State Route 41/70
Every now and then, the owners of Signs Now like to place a cardboard stand-up of a Smyrna Police officer shooting radar in front of their building. Every now and then, an actual officer will be hiding behind the stand-up, and will shoot radar and write tickets (The speed limit is 15 mph). I wish I was making this up.
Sam Ridley Parkway
Police cruisers can occasionally be spotted sitting in front of the Gingerbread House Day Care Center on Sam Ridley Parkway. They will actually park in front of the sign. The speed limit is 45 mph.
Sam Davis Road near Smyrna Elementary
Alot of people use Sam Davis Road as a go between Lowry St.(Murfreesboro Rd.)and Sam Ridley Pkwy.Sitting at Smyrna Elem. on the side of the school with their lights out at night.Speed limit 35 and they will pop you for sure.