Smyrna, Tennessee Speed Traps
Weakly Lane near First park entrance on left
This is not a well marked area for speed limits in the first place. As you come out of Smyrna, you would expect the speed to increase alittle (40 to 50), and it used to, if there is a change it’s past this point. Now there are no changes, and they sit in the park entrance slightly back, so when you are heading into Smyrna at a faster speed than 40, they get you. Technically, they are out of Smyrna city limits right there.
Rock Springs Road near Just East of Mason Tucker Drive
Rock Springs is a heavily traveled back or cut though road. The speed limit is 30 MPH (should be 40-45) the entire length. The cops to back into an empty lot in a curve and shot radar. The main road through Smyrna is Murfreesboro Rd (41/70) and I have seen the cops parked at each traffic light waiting on someone to speed up or run the lights (I have seen at least five cars parked at five different lights at the same time).
Florence Road
From the begenning to the end of this road is a complete set up! The pigs sit mainly at the graveyard and near Gil’s Market waiting on you. They do not care if you are going over 5 miles, you will get stopped! Don’t even attempt if it is dark out!
Jefferson Pike Street near Sam Ridley Road
Right before you get onto Sam Ridley it goes from 40 to 30. but going in the opposite direction the speed changes are different. If you do not know that the get you speeding. there is no reason for it to go from 40 to 30.
Florence Road near Enon Springs Road
The section of Florence that runs behind the Nissan plant. Posted 30mph, should be 45 mph. Nissan on one side of the road and Tn Widelife Resource Area on the other. No subdivisions in this area to warrent speed this low.