Houston, Texas Speed Traps
Approx 1100 Block of the West Loop South (610)- South/West Side just before San Felipe, blocks from the Galleria area
Going from I-10 toward 59 on the FEEDER of W.L.S. Between Woodway and San Felipe There can be almost anytime of a business day from one to at least two and sometimes three to five units. I do delivery work, and see traps all over town, just can not believe this one was not listed. Best times in the Morning or Afternoon or Rush-Hour, but can be anytime.
Southbound feeder road of I-45 between West Road and West Mt. Houston Rd.
35 MPH zone with traffic approaching freeway on ramp and accelerating to 65 MPH. Usually 1-3 Houston cop cars are there every week day.
Interstate 59N feeder road, just after Laura Koppe Exit
HPD Officers target vehicles exiting 59N (65 MPH) to the feeder road (35 MPH). Trap is approx .5 miles after the Laura Koppe exit forcing you to brake hard coming off the exit.