Ogden, Utah Speed Traps
40th St between Madison and Monroe
Between Madison and Monroe on 40th street, there is a small plaza on the north side of the road. In that plaza, a police car is there almost five to seven times a day, and they always have someone pulled over. The speed limit in that area is 30 mph, and driving west from Harrison down 40th (it starts as 42nd) the speed limit changes from 40 mph to 30 mph. Driving east, the speed limit is 30 mph. They catch a lot of people on that road.
Harrison Blvd. at 1200 North
also called Mountain Road that far North. OPD will sit in the nature trail parking lot and get you. North bound traffic is about to enter North Ogden City and that entire city is a speed trap.
21st Street near Interstate 15
Ogden sheriff sits under the I-15 overpass on 21st street in the evening when it is starting to get dark and it is hard to see him because it is dark under the overpass.
30th Street near 31st Street
Heading east or west On 30th and 31st St., Coming over the bridge heading west towards on ramps on the north side of the road both down hill. Speed limit is 45 mph so be careful.
Taylor Avenue near 4600 South – 4000 South Streets
It is a route through a neighborhood regularly used by WSU students to bypass Harrison Blvd on their way to school. You need to keep your speed down to 25MPH or they will cite you.