Falls Church, Virginia Speed Traps
East Broad St (Hwy 7) NW of Seven Corners
Four lane highway, obviously a major thoroughfare, with an artificially low speed limit of 25 mph. There are NO crosswalks, homes are set back well off the street. The speed limit ought to be about 40 mph based on road conditions, but they have lowered it to 25 mph based on the area being designated a “residential neighborhood.” In a wealthy neighborhood where home values range from $800,000 to $1.7 million, seems to me to be an elitist money grab. Legal speed trap will cost you $200.
Route 7, 500 block of East Broad St.
LIDAR Speed device. Speed limit is 25 after crossing 7 corners intersection. Easy to still be going 35. Police direct you into the Dulin United Methodist Church parking circle and you wait until the previous speeders are ticketed.
Hillwood Avenue near Annandale Road
Radar but police check passing cars for current stickers, tags and proper equipment as well.
Speed limit is 25 mph
State Route 7 near State Route 7
The whole road is constantly enforced by marked and unmarked cars. I have lived in the area for 17 years and to this day i always see at least a few traps daily. Speed is posted at 25 – 35 !Slow Down!
State Route 50 near Gallows Road
2-3 cops with laser gun catching people 3-4 at a time.