Summersville, West Virginia Speed Traps

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US Route 19

Summersville, West VirginiaAug 01, 20000 Comments

I came back to visit Summersville, my former hometown with South Carolina tags on my car. I was immediately picked up and followed by the Summersville city police on US 19. The policeman followed me with his bright lights on looking for any reason to pull me over. It does not matter if you are doing the speed limit or not, if you have out of state tags they will pull you over and ticket you and search your car. On this particular evening there were four cars pulled over in a 3 mile stretch of road. My advice would be to go through the town of Summersville where a city policeman is rarely found. That is what the local people do.

US Route 19 just after entering town

Summersville, West VirginiaJul 01, 20000 Comments

I just got my first speeding ticket in over 50 years. The trooper did not pull over locals who were passing me but I had an out of state tag (Florida) My wife recognized this for what it was a "Speed Trap" 63 mph in a 50ph zone. Cost $117.00

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