Silver Spring, Maryland Speed Traps

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On Randolph Rd. at Dewey Road., heading East

Silver Spring, MarylandMar 01, 20020 Comments

Traveling East on busy Randolph road, slightly uphill,unexpected, police will be unnoticed on corner of Dewey Rd.Several cops will be there with hand held devices and can ticket willy-nilly, mostly drivers in curb lane. Slow down and stay alert for activity there

Bonifant Rd at Old Trolley Museum

Silver Spring, MarylandMar 01, 20020 Comments

Maryland’s finest will park cruiser at the entrance to the Old Trolley Museum in the late night hours. The entrance is a downward hill but apparently high enough for the radar to catch traffic. Both county and state troopers have been seen. The troopers are hard to see due to the dark color of their cruisers.

Entrance to Georgian Colonies – Bel Pre Rd & Tynewick Drive

Silver Spring, MarylandMar 01, 20020 Comments

Cops will sit by the bus stop with the tripod and step out into the roadway and pull people over into the Georgian Colonies entrance.

16th Street

Silver Spring, MarylandNov 01, 20010 Comments

When you turn onto 16th ST from Georgia AVE there you reach an area that is 35mph, Cops setup cameras to catch would be offenders, they’re usually in the median or on the shoulders, additionally if they’re not at that location on 16th ST, they may hide at the MD/DC border

Connecticut Avenue between Dean Road and Veirs Mill

Silver Spring, MarylandApr 01, 20010 Comments

Officer will step into heavy oncoming traffic to direct you onto one of the side streets to issue ticket. Often present mid-morning.

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