Lynnwood, Washington Speed Traps
Filbert Road near Cemetery
WA State Patrol has been parking down a side street off of Filbert Road (Filbert/208th) right past the cemetery if you are heading towards Lynnwood from thrashers corner. They hide their cars and have an officer walk to the street and radar and wave people over who are going over the speed limit of 35 on a long stretch of road that is at a downhill slope.
44th Avenue near 164th Street
Going north on 44th Ave, as you approach 164th Street in a 35 mph zone, you go down a hill. Many cars pick up a little speed and are ticketed if going over 39. The cop parks in a Papa Murphy driveway on the left side of the street on the uphill just before the 164th Street traffic light.
West 44th Avenue near SW 164th Street
Speed trap is on a busy S-curve where 164th St. becomes 44th Ave W. Motorcycle officer(s) (I’ve seen as many as 3) will sit in the driveway midway down the S-Curve and shooting radar at motorists as they come down the hill. I’ve seen them pull over many motorists. You usually can’t see them until it’s too late, unless you know exactly where to look (see GPS) They tend to focus on downhill traffic.
168th Avenue near Meadowdale High School
School zone speed limit is 20mph on a 5 lane (2 each way + turn lane road) with lighted crosswalks. Police sit in the little park just east of the school (south side of road) and take advantage of the low rise to nail speeders at 25-45 mph during school hours. Enforcement is often as frequent as weekly.
Interstate I-5
Recently the WSP has started using FLIR(Forward Looking Infra Red)mounted on a Cesna airplane to catch drivers speeding, tailgating, improper lane changes, ect. Once a violator is found they either call a patrol car to pull over the suspect or send the violator a ticket in the mail. This is done on I-5 between Lynnwood and Marysville as well as I-405 between Lynnwood and Bothell.