Redford, Michigan Speed Traps

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Telegraph Road near Glendale Avenue

Redford, MichiganAug 16, 20070 Comments

North bound on Telegraph coming from Plymouth Rd. Light you will go under a rail road viaduct and at the turnaroud on the left the car will sit. You can not see them until it is too late. Redford rarely gives breaks. Be carefull

State Highway Telegraph near 96 Jefferies Expressway

Redford, MichiganAug 15, 20070 Comments

As your coming from plymouth rd. (nth.bound) on telegraph. there is a railroad vidock, that you drive under. As you come out of it, you are allready picked up by the rader gun, and by then it is too late to do any thing about it. The speed limit is 45 mph. JUST TO LET EVERYONE KNOW….

8 Mile Road near Beech Daly Road

Redford, MichiganJun 11, 20070 Comments

Redford police will sit at the Fizz ‘N Pour party store parking lot between Beech Daly and Inkster roads or sometimes at the State Farm office next door. Facing east bound traffic they radar agressively.

Telegraph Road near 5 Mile Street

Redford, MichiganMay 24, 20070 Comments

North end of cemetary on east side of Telegraph——-Sit on exit and point radar between grave markers——–

US Highway 24 near North of 5 Mile Road

Redford, MichiganMay 23, 20070 Comments

Police like to sit on Midland (north of 5 Mile), two blocks south of the big "Welcome to Redford" sign. Welcome indeed!

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