Redford, Michigan Speed Traps

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Telegraph Road near Interstate 96

Redford, MichiganJun 29, 20060 Comments

Tallest point in the county is the Telegraph bridge over the expressway. They sit in the hotel parking lot (right side)and laser up the hill. Position of the car determines line of site.

State Highway 96 near East of Telegraph

Redford, MichiganJun 29, 20060 Comments

Without any additional traffic on the roadway, no cross traffic, no weather inhibitors. A 5+ mph ticket is rediculous. The damage done to a driver’s record and insurance rate is more than the profit to the city for the ticket. Unless there are more than one type of issue at hand the officers should use more judgement in favor of the driver. A warning would have been sufficient but 2 points plus a big $$ increase in insurance cost after 42 years of driving without a moving violation.

5mile Road near Tim Hortons on 5mile

Redford, MichiganApr 10, 20061 Comments

Police sits at Tim Hortons late at night right Fenkel at Telegraph. He observes people speeding and making right turns on red off of 5 mile onto telegraph, the speed limit at this location is 35 mph. Will ticket you for 40 mph.

US Highway 24 Telegraph near Plymouth Road

Redford, MichiganMar 15, 20060 Comments

Between Schoolcraft (I-696) and Plymouth in a turn around between the north & southbound lanes.

Grand River Avenue near 7 Mile Road

Redford, MichiganMar 15, 20060 Comments

The strip between 7 Mile Road and 8 MIle Road includes several spots favored by the Redford Police.

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