Minneapolis, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Park Avenue near S. 9th Street

Minneapolis, MinnesotaOct 29, 20050 Comments

There is a red stop light survielance camera set up exactly on Park Ave as it approaches 9th St. Becareful here as they will mail you a ticket if they catch you going through the red light as it turns red. They will also have the speed you were going and the posted speed limit (30 mph).

7th Street near State Highway olson

Minneapolis, MinnesotaOct 08, 20050 Comments

Leaving downtown on 7th st as you come over the bridge down the hill the police stad on the side of the road and clock you coming down the hill. They will stand in the street and tell you to pull over

State Highway 77 to Cedar transition near Airport

Minneapolis, MinnesotaSep 09, 20050 Comments

At transition point coming into Minneapolis where speed limit drops to 35MPH from 55MPH. Outbound traffic is sometimes monitored also.

Lyndale N Avenue near State Highway 55

Minneapolis, MinnesotaAug 16, 20050 Comments

Two lane, one way traffic Southbound. Cops sit under freeway bridge that runs paralell with the road. sometimes Outside of their cars leaning aginst the street signs so you will not see them until it,s too late.

US Highway 394494100

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJul 05, 20050 Comments

The following are speed ambushes:

1) Hwy 94 (west and east bound) anywhere in between Hwy 694 and the Broadway exit.

2) Hwy 394 (west and east bound) between Penn Ave and 494). The cops sit on the entrance ramps and behind bridges.

3) Hwy 100 and 70th St W exit (Edina).

ITEMS (1), (2) and (3) are now patrolled almost around the clock by both local cops and state troopers as the agencies battle for ticket revenues. If you speed, you MUST slow down when approaching entrance ramps or you will be cited. Minnesota state troopers use black unmarked crown vic sedans.

SIDE NOTE: If you are riding a sportbike, you will be followed if a cop even sees you in these areas.

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