San Antonio, Texas Speed Traps

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Henderson Pass near Turkey Point

San Antonio, TexasDec 12, 20112 Comments

Typically three times/month, I see two motorcycle officers parked near the median (in the left turn lane) just north of Turkey Point on Henderson Pass. The speed limit is 30 there but most people drive 40. They are usually seen near dusk or during the early evening.
Good luck!

Roosevelt Ave at southcross

San Antonio, TexasSep 14, 20110 Comments

Officers are out there from 2pm to 4pm and it is a school zone so fines are high. Keep a look out.

Military Dr SW at Commrcial Ave

San Antonio, TexasSep 14, 20111 Comments

Officers sit at the corners of the intersection and get you for speeding and cell phone use. It’s a school zone so fine are way up there. Watch out for the motorcycle guys in blue.

West Martin Street across from Rosedale Park

San Antonio, TexasJul 16, 20110 Comments

This is a well known speed trap. A police car hides behind a black SUV and policemen/women walk to drivers and stop them for speeding. The speedlimit is thirty. My grandpa was stopped for speeding even though he constantly checks his speed and drives too slow! They had a line of cars on the side of the road to get tickets and it seemed they were stopping random people. We were able to get the ticket dismissed, but it’s definately a hassle and very frustrating. Luckily this spot is getting attention because of others reporting it. Be wary of this speed trap.


San Antonio, TexasJul 08, 20110 Comments

Presa at Belton by school

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