Kirkland, Washington Speed Traps
North of exit 20
2 Cops standing on the dividers, one facing each way
70th From 405 N/B to 124th
Kirkland PD works this stretch of road at some time everyday or several times a day. There are half a dozen side streets and driveways they sit in with radar and nearly always on the south side of the street. The speed limit is 30.
W on 85th St. and 114th Ave. NE in Kirkland
Coming off 405 Southbound, at 85th St, heading west for Kirkland. There is a light approx. one block off the exit at 114th Ave. NE. This is just before the descent into downtown Kirkland. At the top of the hill, just past intersection of 8th St. and 114th Ave. NE, motor running, lights off, blue police car waiting for you to come flying off the freeway. Very early morning, around 6 – 6:30 a.m. – when it is still dark out.
NE 128th St & 120th Ave NE, @ Evergreen Hospital
This intersection is a "No Right Turn on Red" Intersection!
Kirkland’s finest like to sit in the parking lot of the medical offices on the corner 50 feet west of the light and give you the $124 violation when you make that turn against the red light.
northbound on Market St. down the long curve to Juanita
There’s a small emergency access road to 110th on the right. Cops hide here with radar and catch cars headed in both directions. I live nearby and have seen them there dozens of times over the past few years.